Draw the Syntax Tree for a B C

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Syntax Trees for Expressions

In this section, we consider the case where
  • the input language consists of arithmetic expressions (in a general sense that we will make precise below) like arithmetic expressions in the usual sense, or regular expressions, or S-expressions, etc.
  • the output intermediate representation for an input sentence is a tree reflecting the syntax structure of the sentence.
In this case,
  • we will forbid inherited attributes,
  • we will simplify the constructions of the parse tree and the annotated tree,
  • and we will avoid the construction of the dependency graph.

ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS. A language L over an alphabet $ \Sigma$ is a language of arithmetic expressions (or expressions for short) if there exists

  1. a partition $ \Sigma$ = $ \Sigma_{{{op}}}^{{}}$ $ \cup$$ \Sigma_{{{val}}}^{{}}$ $ \cup$ {$ \bf ($,$ \bf )$},
  2. a grammar G generating L such that each production has one of the forms
The elements of $ \Sigma_{{{op}}}^{{}}$ are called operators and those of $ \Sigma_{{{val}}}^{{}}$ are called values. The nonterminals on the right side of a production where an operator appears are called operands of the production.

The language L is said


  • The first idea is to condense the double construction parse tree + annotated tree in a single construction. For arithmetic expressions this is quite easy as we shall see
  • The second idea is to avoid the duplications of nodes that stand for two (syntactically) equal subexpressions. For (arithmetic) expressions this is again quite easy by using dags.

CONSTRUCTING SYNTAX TREES FOR EXPRESSIONS. Each node in a syntax tree for an (arithmetic) expression is a record with several fields.

  • In the node for an operator, one field identifies the operator and the remaining fields contain pointers to the nodes of the operands. The operator is often called the label of the node.
  • In the leaf for an identifier, one field (the label) indicates that this is an identifier and another field is a pointer to the symbol-table entry for this identifier.
  • In the leaf for a value, one field (the label) indicates that this is a value (may be this field gives the type of the value) and another field is the value (or a pointer to this value).
We use here the following functions to create the nodes of syntax trees for expressions with binary operators. Each function returns a pointer to a newly created node.
(op, left, right) creates an operator node with label op and two fields containing pointers to left and right.
($ \bf id$, entry) creates an identifier leaf with label $ \bf id$ and a field containing entry a pointer to the symbol-table entry for the identifier.
($ \bf num$, val) creates a number leaf with label $ \bf num$ and a field containing val.

Example 7 The following syntax-directed definition allows the construction of a syntax tree for a binary infix arithmetic expression. The synthesized attributes E.ptr, T.ptr and F.ptr keep track of the pointers returned by the function calls.


  • A dag for an expression identifies the common subexpressions in the expression.
  • Like a syntax tree, a dag has a node for every subexpression of the expression.
  • The difference is that a node in a dag representing a common subexpression has more than one parent.
  • Thus, before constructing a node with label op and fields with pointers to left and right, the operation make_node(op, left, right) checks if such a node has already been constructed.
Figure 10: A dag for the expression a + a*(b - c) + (b - c)*d.
\begin{figure}\htmlimage  \centering\includegraphics[scale=.4]{dagForArithmeticSubexpression.eps}  \end{figure}


  • To construct dags for expressions in an efficient manner one could use an array of records.
  • To avoid (explicit) pointers we can refer to a node by its index (or position) in this array of records.
  • Each record implements a node (or leaf). For an operator node this record will contain
    • the label of the operator,
    • the indices of the children.
  • This kind of representations allows search for existing subexpressions in linear time.
  • This can be improved by using hash-tables.

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Marc Moreno Maza


Source: https://www.csd.uwo.ca/~mmorenom/CS447/Lectures/Translation.html/node2.html

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